Quand le BEA s’appuie sur les compétences du Cetim

2016-03-10_08h41_34Erreur humaine ou défaillance technique ? Suite à un accident d’hélicoptère, le Bureau d’enquêtes et d’analyses (BEA) a fait appel à l’expertise du Cetim dans les matériaux composites. Sa mission : étudier les débris de la poutre de queue de l’appareil, afin de déterminer les causes exactes du sinistre. Découvrez en image cette enquête de haut vol sur notre site.

Pour en savoir plus, retrouvez les experts du Cetim sur le salon JEC World Composite Show & Conferences, du 8 au 10 Mars 2016 à Paris Nord Villepinte, Espace régional Pays de la Loire, stand 6P57. Vous pouvez également consulter le site du Cetim, rubrique « Agenda ».

Deux conduites forcées sur écoute



EDF a mis sous surveillance par émission acoustique les conduites forcées de la centrale de Malgovert. Objectif : détecter en temps réel, pendant deux années et demie, la rupture de frettes en acier à haute limite élastique.


Pour cela, Le Cetim a développé en 2011 un système basé sur le principe de l’émission acoustique. Des tests de propagation d’ondes ont d’abord été menés sur site afin de rechercher les capteurs les mieux adaptés tout en optimisant leur nombre. La simulation des ruptures de frettes sur site a ensuite permis de s’assurer de l’efficacité des capteurs à moyenne fréquence (100 kHz) pour détecter les défauts. Le bruit de fond dû à la circulation de l’eau dans les conduites a également été analysé.

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Analysis of a Clinically Failed

2015-11-17_08h30_32Un article paru en septembre 2015 dans la revue « Trauma Cases and Reviews » :

« A reconstructive orthopedic bone plate was submitted for analysis. Traditional failure analysis methods were used to assess the mode of the plate failure. Metallographic investigation of the plate was carried out in this report. Since limited data was available in the literature and clinical data related to subject demography, date of removal as well as reasons for removal unknown, in depth analysis was not possible. However, the plate was received in in-tact condition with minor biological deposits and scratches, it is speculated that the failure of the plate may have been due to biological/clinical reasons, likely infection, rejecting the device due to lack of union at the fracture site. » Lire l’article dans son intégralité …


Failure Analysis of Work Rolls of a Thin Hot Strip Mill

A new interesting article published in « Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis »

In hot rolling mills, premature failure of rolls is a major concern as it adversely affects the mill operation and as well as production. Analysis of failed roll materials and actual rolling conditions in service are therefore necessary to understand the roll failure mechanism and thereby improve the wear resistance and extend the service life of rolls.

This work describes two different types of roll failure cases and their analysis which was carried out using destructive as well as non-destructive testing techniques (NDT). The cases are as follows:


Case I: Enhanced ICDP Bottom roll of fifth stand (F#5) which failed from the neck portion.


Case II: Analysis of sub-surface defect of ICDP rolls of the last stand (F#6

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Failure analysis of work rolls of a thin hot strip mill

A new case study of failure analysis published on Sciencedirect.com

In hot rolling mills, premature failure of rolls is a major concern as it adversely affects the mill operation as well as production. Analysis of failed roll materials and actual rolling conditions in service are therefore necessary to understand the roll failure mechanism and thereby improve the wear resistance and extend the service life of rolls.

The hot strip mill referred here consists of six stands wherein high chromium (Hi-Cr) iron rolls and Indefinite Chilled Double Poured (ICDP) cast iron rolls are being used for finishing rolling of the strips in the last two stands. The thin strip mill produces strips in the thickness range of 1.0–12.7 mm. This work describes two different types of roll failure cases and their analysis which was carried out using destructive as well as non-destructive testing techniques (NDT).

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A failure study of the railway rail serviced for heavy cargo trains

rail fractureA paper published in« Case study in Engineering Failure Analysis »In this case study, a failed railway rail which was used for heavy cargo trains was investigated in order to find out its root cause. The crack is supposed to be initiated from the weaker ferrite networks. Given all of that, the failed railway rail is considered to be caused by overload. It is of great importance to improve the welding technology, and control the load of train in order to prevent similar failure in future.

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Fracture of a dental prosthesis from an inner thermal crack

A new paper about « Case study in Engineering Failure Analysis » published on ScienceDirect.com.

This paper describes the fractographic analysis of a veneer-ZrO2 single-unit dental prosthesis that fractured in a shell-like manner. Analysis of the retrieved fragment revealed that the crack originated in the bulk of the veneer from a thermal flaw located between two layers of the veneering material. Using the measured flaw plane it showed that the conditions of loading at fracture were complex and probably involved important tangential components.

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Failure of rubber O-ring

A new interesting paper in  » Engineering Failure Analysis » published on ScienceDirect.com.

This paper presents the effects of hydrogen pressure, ambient temperature and pressure cycle pattern on fracture behavior of O-rings moulded from a peroxide-crosslinked EPDM rubber with white reinforcing filler under cyclic exposure to high-pressure hydrogen gas.

Read more at : Failure behavior of rubber O-ring under cyclic exposure to high-pressure hydrogen gas


Rupture par corrosion sous contrainte d’une tige de forage

L’article rapporte l’analyse des causes de rupture d’une tige de forage dans un champ gazier en Chine. L’analyse découvre que la fracture est associée à de nombreuses fissures secondaires et que du soufre est présent dans la fracture.

Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures – Volume 35, Issue 2 – February 2012 – Wiley Online Library

La librairie online Wiley publie le sommaire de la revue américaine FFEMS. Les articles publiés font état des résultats de recherches réalisées par divers laboratoires dans le domaine de la fatigue et de la fracture de matériaux divers.

Les articles publiés sont dans l’ensemble plutôt théoriques, mais certains font état d’étude de cas de fracture intéressant.