The Challenger Disaster Report

In this essay, we will make a thorough study of the technical and administrative factors that contributed to the failure of the Shuttle Challenger project. Starting from paying attention from the planning stage, the implementation of the project, and even the consequences and further investigations, to be able to identify the lessons to be learned in both areas. It is expected that by completing this task, we can notice the critical factors that we need to pay particular attention to approaching ourselves as students that can develop projects successfully.

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Time to failure prediction in rubber components subjected to thermal ageing

Un article intéressant trouvé sur « ». Il a été publié dans Mechanics of Materieals – vol.79, p.15-24 – 2014. Il traite d’une approche innovante du vieillissement thermique des composants en caoutchouc : « In this contribution, we attempt to derive a tool allowing the prediction of the stretch ratio at failure in rubber components subjected to thermal ageing. To achieve this goal, the main idea is to combine the fracture mechanics approach and the intrinsic defect concept. Using an accelerated ageing procedure for an Ethylene–Propylene–Diene Monomer (EPDM). »

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Failure of rubber O-ring

A new interesting paper in  » Engineering Failure Analysis » published on

This paper presents the effects of hydrogen pressure, ambient temperature and pressure cycle pattern on fracture behavior of O-rings moulded from a peroxide-crosslinked EPDM rubber with white reinforcing filler under cyclic exposure to high-pressure hydrogen gas.

Read more at : Failure behavior of rubber O-ring under cyclic exposure to high-pressure hydrogen gas