Primary hip replacement stem taper fracture due to corrosion in 3 patients – Acta Orthopaedica –

9279 Morlock D.indd

A interesting article published online: 11 Jan 2016, in « Acta Orthopaedica « .

Wear and corrosion of taper connections in modular hip prostheses have gained much attention due to the serious biological response that can occur due to the metallic debris originating from this articulation.They present 3 cases of stem taper fracture as the ultimate failure mode of this design.

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Proceedings of Malaysian International Tribology Conference 2015

2015-10-29_09h48_06Ce ebook est une compilation des contributions qui seront présentées lors du « Malaysian International Tribology Conference 2015 » (MITC2015) à Penang, en Malaysie du 16 au 17 Novembre 2015.

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A study of the wear mechanisms of disk and shoe brake pads

Un article paraître dans le numéro de fin janvier de la revue « Engineering Failure Analysis« . Il traite d’un cas d’analyse de défaillance d’un ensemble disque-mâchoire de frein usé en service.

Vous rencontrez un cas similaire, n’hésitez à pendre contact avec les experts en tribologie du Cetim. 11

Failure Analysis of a Helical Compression Spring for a Heavy Vehicle’s Suspension System

An interesting  paper in « Case study in Engineering Failure Analysis » published on This paper analyzed why a compression coil spring fractured at the transition position from the bearing coil to the first active coil in service, while the nominal stress here should always be much less than that at the inside coil position of a fully active coil. Visual observations indicated that a wear scar was formed on the first active coil and the fracture surface showed radiating ridges emanating from the wear scar. Scanning electron microscopy examination showed crescent shaped region and beach marks, typical of fatigue failure. ZnCaph phosphate layer and painting around the contact zone were worn out due to contact and friction and resulted in corrosion and corrosion pits induced local stress concentration. Stress analysis indicated severe stress singularities at the edges of the contact zone, which facilitated cycle slip and fatigue crack nucleation. Recommendations were also made for improving the fatigue performance of the suspension springs.

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The Rail defects Handbook of the ASA

Rail defects Handbook ASA 1
An interesting publication of the Asset Standards Authority (ASA), an independent unit established within Transport for NSW of Australia.

The occurrence of rail defects has generally increased because of the much longer rail lives obtained through various improvements, which have reduced the rail wear and hence have allowed the defects to develop. The main purpose of this Handbook is to describe some of the more common rail defects, their causes, and the possible ways of controlling their development.telecharger le doc

Damage mechanism and prevention of heavy-haul railway rail

A new interesting paper in  » Engineering Failure Analysis »  of december 2013 published on

The objective of this paper was to investigate wear and damage behavior of heavy-haul railway rail.

More at : Investigation on the damage mech………

Failure Analysis of Rocker Liner used as a charging system of Blast Furnace

In this study, failure analysis of rocker liners used for charging system of Blast Furnace was carried out. The failed rocker liner samples shows non-uniform distribution of carbides, resulted in variation of hardness as well as wear properties. After proper heat-treatment and chemistry modification, the Rocker Liner obtained high hardness (with uniformity) due to proper distribution of carbide phases in the tempered martensitic matrix. Thus proper heat treatment is needed to achieve optimum property with changing the material composition to deal with this stringent working condition. Rocker liner with modified microstructure was trailed in the Blast Furnace and it has given a life of around 20-22 months life.

More informations : Failure Analysis of Rocker Liner used as a charging system of Blast Furnace.