Design and failure modes of automotive suspension springs

An interesting publication in « Engineering Failure Analysis » of Decembre 2008. This paper is a discussion about automotive suspension coil springs, their fundamental stress distribution, materials characteristic, manufacturing and common failures. An in depth discussion on the parameters influencing the quality of coil springs is also presented.

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Failure Analysis of a Helical Compression Spring for a Heavy Vehicle’s Suspension System

An interesting  paper in « Case study in Engineering Failure Analysis » published on This paper analyzed why a compression coil spring fractured at the transition position from the bearing coil to the first active coil in service, while the nominal stress here should always be much less than that at the inside coil position of a fully active coil. Visual observations indicated that a wear scar was formed on the first active coil and the fracture surface showed radiating ridges emanating from the wear scar. Scanning electron microscopy examination showed crescent shaped region and beach marks, typical of fatigue failure. ZnCaph phosphate layer and painting around the contact zone were worn out due to contact and friction and resulted in corrosion and corrosion pits induced local stress concentration. Stress analysis indicated severe stress singularities at the edges of the contact zone, which facilitated cycle slip and fatigue crack nucleation. Recommendations were also made for improving the fatigue performance of the suspension springs.

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Design and failure modes of automotive suspension springs signale un article paru dans Engineering Failure Analysis (Volume 15, Issue 8, December 2008, Pages 1155–1174) : Design and failure modes of automotive suspension springs.

Design and failure modes of automotive suspension springs


This paper is a discussion about automotive suspension coil springs, their fundamental stress distribution, materials characteristic, manufacturing and common failures. An in depth discussion on the parameters influencing the quality of coil springs is also presented.

Following the trend of the auto industry to continuously achieve weight reduction, coil springs are not exempt. A consequence of the weight reduction effort is the need to employ spring materials with significantly larger stresses compared to similar designs decades ago. Utilizing a higher strength of steel possesses both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the freedom to design coil springs at higher levels of stress and more complex stresses. Disadvantages of employing materials with higher levels of stress come from the stresses themselves. A coil’s failure to perform its function properly can be more catastrophic than if the coil springs are used in lower stress. As the stress level is increased, material and manufacturing quality becomes more critical. Material cleanliness that was not a major issue decades ago now becomes significant. Decarburization that was not a major issue in the past now becomes essential.

To assure that a coil spring serves its design, failure analysis of broken coil springs is valuable both for the short and long term agenda of car manufacturer and parts suppliers. This paper discusses several case studies of suspension spring failures. The failures presented range from the very basic including insufficient load carrying capacity, raw material defects such as excessive inclusion levels, and manufacturing defects such as delayed quench cracking, to failures due to complex stress usage and chemically induced failure. FEA of stress distributions around typical failure initiation sites are also presented.

Voir la source : ScienceDirect – Engineering Failure Analysis : Design and failure modes of automotive suspension springs.