Avec la plateforme d’essais sismiques « Tesseract » inaugurée le 8 novembre 2016 à Bordeaux, le FCBA et le Cetim proposent aux fabricants d’équipements, notamment nucléaires, des moyens inédits alliant simulation et essais sismiques. Pour répondre aux exigences accrues de stabilité des équipements des centrales nucléaires en conditions sismiques suite à la catastrophe de Fukushima, le FCBA (Forêt Cellulose, Bois-construction Ameublement) et le Cetim allient à nouveau leurs expertises
Archives du mot-clef vibration
A Review on Application of Bellows Expansion Joints and Effect of Design Parameters on System Characteristics
A paper published in the « Indian Journal of Science and Technology« , august 2016.
A bellows expansion joint is an assembly of two or more bellows which help to tackle expansion or contraction in the system where it is designed to fit in. It was found, various independent researchers did lot of research in the design and geometry of bellows expansion joint but a review of all is scare, they have put forth the different possible features of bellows design in this paper. (…)
CGG adapte ses dentures aux déformations pour éviter la casse
Confronté à des pannes à répétition sur la ligne de propulsion d’un navire d’exploration pétrolière, la CGG a fait appel au Cetim pour identifier leurs causes et y remédier en gardant le bateau en exploitation.
Lire l’article : CGG adapte ses dentures aux déformations
Failure analysis of an MVR mechanical vapor recompressor Impeller
This article, published in » Engeeniring Failure Analysis » of september 2010, describes the root cause failure analysis of a mechanical vapor recompressor (MVR) impeller used in a dairy processing plant. A detailed investigation was commissioned to determine the source of the oscillatory stresses that must have been present to cause fatigue. A vibration analysis indicated large torsional oscillatory stresses, leading to fatigue, were induced by excitation of the 1st and 2nd torsional vibration modes of the MVR impeller and motor system. The excitation was induced by the control system for the motor variable speed drive (VSD).
Investigation of Minor Leakage in a Fuel Oil Return Line
A small fuel oil return line of a stationary gas turbine engine failed by high cycle fatigue cracking. In the metallurgical root cause investigation, performed by the original equipment manufacturer’s laboratory, it was determined that insufficient support of the fuel line and the ensuing vibration led to dynamic alternating bending stresses, that had their maximum immediately adjacent to the connector weld of the flange…………. Read more
Failure analysis of gas turbine generator cooling fan
Via : Failure analysis of gas turbine generator cooling fan for 14° and 19° — blades angle of attack – Springer.
In gas turbine power plants, a fan is used as a cooling system to dissipate generated heat in coils (copper conductors) and generator electric circuits at the end sides of its rotor. In some cases, fracture of blades causes short circuit between rotor and stator and consequently generator explosion and made lot of financial problems. The fracture of cooling fan blades has been occurred five times at the turbine side of the generator in our case of study, just 100 hr after resuming operation after overhaul.