Analysis and Performance of Automobile Engine Components Considering Thermal and Structural Effects

automotive failuresAn article published in « International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology« , January 2014.

This paper presents an investigation report of effect of various parameters which affect the performance of an automobile engine. Almost all internal combustion engines have at least one connecting rod to transmit the thrust of the piston to the crankshaft, and as the result the reciprocating motion of the piston is translated into rotational motion of the crankshaft. From the viewpoint of functionality, connecting rods must have the highest possible rigidity at the lowest weight capable to withstand varying loads. It has been found that structural failure of various components results in engine missing and starts producing noise and vibration during racing, mileage gets affected and black or white smoke arise also pickup gets reduced. In automobile industry damaged or broken parts are generally too expensive to replace or repair especially in case of engine. In this concern they presented detailed analysis of causes along with preventive maintenance suggestion schedule for better engine life. 

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Des garnitures soumises aux exigences de l’EPR

Afin d’obtenir d’EDF et d’Areva la qualification de ses garnitures mécaniques d’étanchéité destinées aux pompes des réacteurs nucléaires de troisième génération (EPR), John Crane France a testé ses garnitures mécaniques d’étanchéité sur un banc d’essai de manière à répondre aux nouvelles exigences des centrales nucléaires de troisième génération (EPR). Ce banc sert dorénavant à toute la profession. Mis au service de l’ensemble de la profession, les bancs d’essais du Cetim sont rapidement transformés et suivent l’évolution des besoins. La compétence des équipes permet de réaliser dans les délais des essais à hautes performances.

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