In vivo shell-like fractures of veneered-ZrO2 fixed dental prostheses

A non commum case study of failure analysis published in october 2014 in « Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis« .

Fractographic analyses are performed in two fixed dental prosthetic reconstructions made of ZrO2 frameworks covered by a veneering ceramic that fractured during function in the mouth. Internal thermal residual stresses and occlusal surface defects from localized contact overloading were found to precipitate the fracture in Case 1, whereas extreme occlusal surface damage from sliding chewing contact was determinant in the fracture of Case 2. The interface between the veneering ceramic and the ZrO2 framework was unaffected by the fractures.

Source : In vivo shell-like fractures of veneered-ZrO2 fixed dental prostheses

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